What is the distance between Delhi to Agra ( Taj Mahal) and what are the mode of transportations?

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The distance between Agra and Delhi is approx. 210 kms. People uses road or rail to travel. The most popular way of getting from Delhi to Agra is by train. It’s possible to visit the Taj Mahal in a day from Delhi if you catch the right trains. It will take you 2-3 hours to get there, and 2-3 hours to return. Here’s what you need to know about trains from Delhi to Agra.

The main railway station in Delhi is New Delhi Railway Station (NDLS), near Paharganj.

Trains to Agra also depart Delhi from H Nizamuddin Railway Station, which is around 20 minutes from New Delhi Railway Station.

The main railway station in Agra is Agra Cantt. (AGC).

Early Morning Delhi to Agra Trains

These Delhi Agra trains all have chairs, not sleepers.

The fastest morning train from Delhi to Agra is the12002 Bhopal Shatabdi. It departs New Delhi Railway Station at 6.15 a.m. and arrives at Agra at 8.12 a.m… The train runs every day except Friday.

The 2280 Taj Express Superfast from Delhi H Nizamuddin Railway Station to Agra is also popular. It departs at 7.10 a.m. and arrives in Agra at 10.07 a.m. The train runs every day.

Late Afternoon Agra to Delhi Trains

These Agra Delhi trains all have chairs, not sleepers.

The 2279 Taj Express returns to Delhi from Agra at 6.55 p.m. daily. It arrives at H Nizamuddin Railway Station at 10.p.m.

The 12001 NDLS Shatabdi departs Agra at 8.30 p.m. and arrives at New Delhi Railway Station at 10.30 p.m., daily except Friday. It’s the fastest train from Agra to Delhi.

Other Delhi to Agra Trains

There are many other sleeper trains that run from Delhi to Agra, and vice-versa, during the day. They can be found by searching the Indian Railways website. However, the trains listed above are the most reliable and most likely to run on time.

Another mean of transport to Agra is by road. The distance is 210 kms and it takes 2 ½ to 3 hr depending on the traffic.

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