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SURVIVOR BHUTAN (Jumolhari Base Camp trek Lomas & Group for 19 pax Oct 2007)
My “poem” read to group on last night of our trip to Bhutan, by Marlene Lomas
Dedicated to Fred Joseph, the poet of the family…….
A memorable two weeks, it certainly has been
Paro the destination, Druk Air flew us in.
Pelden was there to meet us on arrival,
Who knew then how key he would be to our survival?
Off to Thimphu—we were whisked away
Enjoying the construction and a few pee stops on the way
Next day over the pass to Gangtey we traveled
But where was the hot water in buckets, we wondered??
That first week on to Wangdi, Punakha, Thimpu and Takin,
Stupas, monesteries, dzongs—are we ever stopping??
Day 7 up and up to the famous Tigers Nest
Boy, after that hike we all needed a rest.
But NO, at last—-time to trek
ONON up to Chomolari—what the heck.
Who ordered the rain, it wasn’t me!
Please check your bag, one we couldn’t see
Back to the hotel for trekker Dave,
One more bus ride he really did crave.
Slogging thru the mud we slipped and slid,
But all 19, their anguish they hid.
Day two was tough, 22K with rain nonstop,
Everyone began to think the trek was a flop.
The glorious sun appeared on Day Three,
Base camp below Chomolari we were thrilled to see.
Laundry, bathing, resting was done,
All were happy to finally have fun.
Glimpsing the mountains and lakes, on higher we went
Good karma from the deities we had been sent.
Day Five, on back we followed donkeys and horses,
Continually eating and enjoying all the courses.
Our leader Pelden only asked for cooperation
For my part, all of you were great—my Congratulations!!!

October 15th, 2007

Marelene L

  • From Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Trip Name Marelene L
  • Travelled Date 20071015
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