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Alchi || Alchi Monastery

Alchi is a village located about 70km away from Leh in the lower Sham region, on the bank of Indus River at an altitude of 3,300m. The small village has clusters of white and brightly painted houses and many Chortens. It is noted for the one of the oldest monastic/ temple complex of Ladakh. Alchi Chos-khor monastery, is attributed to the great translator Rinchen Zangpo (958-1055). The structures of the temples and its wall painting are quite unique with Indian touch. It is believed that the sculptors and wood carvers were from brought from Kashmir. Unlike most monasteries or temples of Ladakh, this temple complex is located on the flat ground. Couples of small guest houses are available for accommodation with basic facilities and the stay at Alchi gives you the experience of Ladakhi village.

Places /Attractions Near Alchi