Ashoka Pillar
Ashoka Pillar with its Four Lion headed stubs is the creation of the great Emperor Asoka.It is the construction that dates back to the 3rd Century BC, and is unique in it; the exclusive quality of this Pillar is the exquisite polish, and the pillar is still shiny and glitters as the sunrays falls on it. The shaft of the Asokan Pillar is clearly visible from a distance but the crown has been kept in the Museum. The crown of the Asokan Pillar is an asset to the Indians, because it bears the statue of Four Lions that are aced back to back. This I the latter stage has become the emblem of the Indian currency and the National Emblem of India.It however does not hold the Dhammachakra, or the Wheel of Law, but it is worthwhile to mention that the Asokan Pillar has great resemblance to the Pillar at Sarnath. The Asokan Pillar emblematizes majesty and elegance, power and order.In Sanchi, one cannot ignore the elegance of the Great Stupa, erected by Asoka, and it is one of the most ancient structures in India. The diameter of the pillar is 36.5 mts and the height is 16.4 mts.It is a huge dome that is shaped in the form of a hemisphere. The entire dome is encircled with a path which is shaped like a hemisphere, So, it is most suitable for the pilgrim visit.