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Bangalore Palace

Bangalore Palace is situated in the Palace Gardens, at the heart of the Bangalore city. It was built to look like a smaller replica of the Windsor Castle in England. It was built by Rev. Garrett, who was the first Principal of the Central High School in Bangalore, now known as Central College.

The construction of the palace was started in 1862 and completed in 1944. In 1884, it was bought by the Maharaja of Mysore. Once surrounded by beautiful gardens, the palace has now lost much of its original charm. However, it still succeeds in attracting tourists. Fortified towers, Gothic windows, battlements and turrets lend a great degree of magnificence to the Bangalore Palace of India. Mainly constructed of wood, it boasts of splendid carvings and paintings. Today the palace serves as the venue for various exhibitions, concerts and cultural programs held in the city. The ground floor of the Bangalore Palace comprises of a massive open square.