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City Palace || City Palace

City Palace towers over the Pichola Lake. It was built by the Maharana Udai Mirza Singh as the capital of the Sisodia Rajput clan in 1559, after he moved from Chittor but succeeding Maharanas added several palaces and structures to the complex retained a surprising uniformity to the design. City Palace boasts of the wonderful blend of Medieval, European and Chinese Architecture. The Palace has various towers, domes and arches, which add to the flavor of heritage site. The Palace is truly a feast to the eyes. City Palace is a marvelous assortment of courtyards, pavilions, terraces, corridors, rooms and hanging gardens. Encircled by fortifications, this imposing Palace is wholly built in granite and marble. The exquisite work of City Palace cannot be bounded in words, so one must visit this palace to capture the real picture of it.