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Digboi || Digboi - Oil Town of Assam

Digboi is an oil town, 79 km south of Dibrugarh. Oil was first drilled in 1889 and the refinery, the first in Asia, was constructed in 1901. It is amongst the oldest functioning refineries in the world. It was under the Burma Oil Company (Assam Oil Company) but was nationalized in 1979. This is a little former colonial township surrounded by forest. The oil field is situated in the Upper Dihing Reserve forest. Strict forest rules still apply and the forest is seen in several regenerating stages. Some areas have remained intact. It is extremely rich in bird life. Old colonial style bungalows atop small hillocks give the area a special ambience. Other things to see in Digboi include the oil museum and the War cemetery (maintained by the War Graves Commission) that has graves of soldiers from the Second World War.