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Madurai || Madurai

Madurai located on the banks of the Vaigai River, apparently named for the nectar that flowed from Shiva's hair as blessing for new city. It is said that Lord shiva blessed the land and its people here with divine nectar (Madhu). This city was henceforth known as Madhurapuri and now called Madurai. It is the second largest city in Tamil Nadu and was once the capital of the Pandyan Kingdom that ruled much of south India during the 4th century BC and that conducted trade as far afield as Greece and Rome. Madurai was also the site of Tamil Sangams, the great festivals of poetry and writings that were held here century ago. Madurai is most famous for it awe-inspiring Shri Meenakshi temple complex, easily the first choice in Tamil temple destination. The Mennakshi temple, located in the heart of the old town, celebrates the love of goddess Meenakshi and her groom Sundareswarar (the handsome god), incarnation of Shiva and hence the name Sri Meenakshi Sundareshwarar Temple. Considered to be the finest of its kind in Tamil Nadu, this great Temple's towering Gopurams are covered in a riot of gaily painted, dancing and cavorting gods and goddesses. The Stunning architecture of temple was a frontrunner in the election for the modern Seven Wonders of the World for its architectural importance. The temple seethes with activity from dawn till dusk with pilgrims and tourists visiting its many shrines. 10,000 visitors may come here on any one day.

Places /Attractions Near Madurai