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Nameri National Park

Nameri National Park is relatively a small but scenic park located in the foothills in the Sonitpur District of Assam, 35km from Tezpur, the nearest town. Nameri shares its northern boundary with the Pakhui Wildlife Sanctuary of Arunachal. Together they constitute an area of over 1000 sq. km of semi-evergreen, moist deciduous forests with cane and bamboo brakes and narrow strips of open grassland along rivers. The park is the second Tiger reserve of Assam and is a haven for many rare animals. The rich wildlife includes tiger, black bear, elephant, leopard, Indian bison, pangolin, Indian wild dog, civet cat and capped langur. Also found here are over 300 species of birds such as the endangered white winged wood duck. Jia Bhoroli river flows through the park and the river is known Mahseer angling. Accommodation in Nameri is in the thatched hut called Eco Camps