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Smit || Smit

The Nongkrem dance is performed at Smit in October / November after the rice is harvested. It is part of what is known as the Pomblang festival (Goat sacrifice ceremony) performed by the Syiem of Khyrim with the aid of his priests and ministers. A day being fixed the syiem sends a ring of cane (Kyrwoh) to the headman off every village of the state inviting them to Smit to attend the festival with their offerings consisting of food. The festival lasts for 5 days. For 3 days prayers are offered. Cocks and goats are sacrificed. All this takes place within the house of the Syiemsad. On the fourth day a dance is performed by virgin girls and men (married and bachelors) in front of the house. The girls are dressed in the finest silk clothes and wear a lot of gold and silver jewelry.