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Tashiding || Tashiding Monastery

Tashiding monastery is perched on a hill top with an astounding backdrop of Mt. Kanchenjunga, over the Rathong and the Rangit River. This monastery belongs to the Nyingmapa sect and is highly revered among the people of Sikkim. The Monastery has a holy chorten (stupa). It is believed that a mere glimpse of chorten washes away one's sins. As per the Buddhist scriptures, Guru Padma Sambhava (Guru Rimpoche) sanctified the lands of Sikkim at this point in the 8th century.
Tashiding Monastery is also famous for its celebration of Bumchu Festival. This festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of the Tibetan calendar(Febrauary/March). Bumchu or the opening of the vessel containing the holy water is one of the holiest festivals in Sikkim. The level of water in this vessel is believed to be a sign of the fortunes of the coming year.