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North India tour from 20Oct till 17Nov 2012

Hello Santosh,
Martin, Richard, Daniel & I would like to thank you very very much for the great Indian adventure you had planned for us.

Everything went smoothly from the start till the end. We did appreciate the fact that during our trip you made sure that everything went well.

Santosh, I am sorry I could not call you back before our departure but we did not have any more minutes available on our phone and we had to leave earlier the hotel because of the death of the indian political official that day.
The bookings of hotels and selection of visits, guides and chauffeurs were all done with great details and well chosen.

Of course we appreciate very much the collaborations of Marcel and Roger. Mille fois merci à vous!
Many thanks to all three of you!

We will recommend you all to the many people we will talk about our trip to India.

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