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Introduction to Bhutan Tour TID 690(Jun.22-30,2013)
Dear Ugen:Andrew and I are in Punakha with Yeshi and Dorgi. Right now, Yeshi and I are in the open-air lobby of the Hotel Meriphuensum. Everybody else seems to have gone to bed early so he and I are sharing our thoughts about life.We’re having a great time and I want to send you special thanks for arranging for Yeshi to be our guide and for Dorgi to be the driver. Yeshi is a wonderful guy. He’s charming and intelligent, has a highly-developed sense of humor, and he possesses a special sensitivity that is rare. Windhorse Travel is lucky to have him as an employee. As for Dorgi, we couldn’t have had a more proficient and careful chauffeur.We’re enjoying our time in your beautiful country. The weather is very good, with only occasional rain, mostly at night. The time is, of course, passing quickly and we’ll be sad to leave Bhutan on Sunday.As you know, we’ll be back in Chicago on Tuesday afternoon, July 2. I’ll telephone you sometime during that week and will also email several photographs.

I hope all is well with you and your family.

We’re enjoying our time in your beautiful country.

  • Hotels Thimphu - Hotel Druk
    Gangtey - Hotel Dewachen
    Punakha - Meri Phuensum Resort
    Paro - Tashi Namgay Resort
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