Drukair Flight Update (Bhutan)

Drukair Flight Update (Bhutan) Anand Thapa
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Paro. Bhutan: Flight Adjustment and Timing Changes
Due to minimal load on KB210 and KB211 of 29July, the equipment type has been changed to ATR with revised timings as below:
KB210/29JUL/PBHCCU/0720-0820HRS/ATR/TIMES IN LOCAL/arrival at CCU delayed by 20minutes
KB211/29JUL/CCUPBH/0850-1050HRS/ATR/TIMES IN LOCAL/dep from CCU delayed by 10minutes, arrival into PBH delayed by 30minutes.
In addition to the above, traffic load for flights KB400/KB402 and KB401/KB403 of 29 July will be combined and operate as follow with change in equipment type to A319.
KB400/29JUL/PBHKTM/0700-0745HRS/A319/TIMES IN LOCAL/KB402 pax to be accommodated on this flight
KB401/29JUL/KTMPBH/0835-0950HRS/A319/TIMES IN LOCAL/KB403 pax to be accommodated on this flight.

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