Flight (Druk Air) Reschedule of 12 May 2014

Flight (Druk Air) Reschedule of 12 May 2014 Anand Thapa
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Paro; Bhutan: Please be informed that the following flights of 12th May 2014 have been rescheduled: KB210/12MAY/PBUCCU/0615-0715HRS/ATR/ALL TIMES IN LOCAL/DEPARTURE PARO PREPONED BY 55MINS KB211/12MAY/CCUPBH/0745-0945HRS/ATR/ALL TIMES IN LOCAL/DEPARTURE KOLKATA PREPONED BY 1HR 5MINS KB1001/12MAY/PBHBUT/1015-1050HRS/ATR/ALL TIMES IN LOCAL/DEPARTURE PARO PREPONED BY 6HRS 15MINS KB1002/12MAY/BUTPBH/1110-1145HRS/ATR/ALL TIMES IN LOCAL/DEPARTURE BUMTHANG PREPONED BY 6HRS 15MINS Inconvenience caused is regretted.

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