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Sanchi || City Of Stupa's, Monasteries, Temples

Sanchi is a small village crowned by a group of stupas, monasteries, temples and pillars dating from 3rd century BC to 12th century AD. The glory that was Sanchi, an ancient place of pilgrimage, can still be experienced in its complex structures where many Buddhist legends found expression in the rich sculpture. The Buddha is represented through symbols at Sanchi in the early period of Buddhism. The lotus represents the Buddha's birth, the tree signifies his enlightenment, the wheel represents his nirvana or salvation. The footprints and the throne denote the Buddha's presence. Sanchi has the singular distinction of having specimens of almost all kinds of Buddhist architectural forms. The history of Sanchi goes back when Buddhism was at its peak during the reign of the Emperor Ashoka.  It is having stupas, Chaityas, Temples and Monastries and the finest examples of Buddhist creative art and sculpture in the country. The architectural pieces and sculptures displayed here include the Ashoka pillar and images of Buddha and Kushan.

Places /Attractions Near Sanchi